Anyway today it was fairly warm out and Daddy didn't want to go for another walk in the heat and so he said;
"Why don't we sort out our bedroom together?"
Normally I would get defensive about this (its my junk causing the mess) but instead I was so glad to have the help! We got rid of four bags of rubbish, put five bags of clothes in the loft (for the next baby) and I had a good cry when I found material I had brought to make my Gran a new blanket to replace the one I made two years before that.
As we only have one bathroom and it is tiny (only 6ft square!) cleaning it is a breeze and doing the tasks that are planned this week are simple for me as I have to keep them small as they are stored in other areas of the home!
How cool is this toilet paper?
The tasks associated with this week are;
*Go through the medicine chest.
*Check your first aid supplies. Find a printable first-aid checklist here.
*Look at the towels and replace as needed.
*Clean off handles, knobs, light switches. Does anything need replacing?
*Does the bathroom mat need to be replaced?
*Clean from high to low. Clean the windowsill and wash any knickknacks.
*Clean the entire bowl. Spray with a good disinfectant.
*Scour sinks and bathtubs, and showers.
*Does the shower curtain need replacing? Is it really moldy?
*Wash out the wastebasket and let it sanitize.
*Get the baseboards and wipe them down, spray the tile with a good tile cleaner
The Christmas things to do this week that I will do are as follows;
*Make one batch of Holiday Goodies.
*Make one extra meal for freezer again labeled HOLIDAY MEAL.
*Buy two canned food items from menus
*Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts
*Make list of toys and books that children would enjoy and keep it handy for others
Also this week I will;
*Start Top Ender writing her Christmas cards to the children in her year (there are 80 children) and
*Inventorise the gifts in the cupboard, as I am sure some have been put in without been listed!
And we will continue to;
*Look for Holiday Outfits for the family (Although I think Baby Boy is going to wear a little suit!)
*Stock the Mummy Christmas Shop
*De-cluttering the children's toys and clothes
*Watch one Christmas film as a family a week
Now if you want to, you can go and have a read of how everyone else is preparing for Christmas, so go visit these friends of mine!
Krista at Typical Ramblings
Candace at Diary of a FlyBaby
Diane at DianeDenmark
Kelly at Life at the Quinn Home