Karen over at The Rubbish Diet has inspired me. Normally when I put something in my dustbin I think of her and think if what I am putting in will easily go into my Recycling bag or my Green food bin. Sometimes I make the right choice. Sometimes I don't.
So with Top Ender telling me on a regular basis about how important recycling is, my guilt about what I am doing and knowing that if Karen popped down the road to my house she would sort my rubbish and give me the evil eye (whilst frowning at me), one of my resolutions for the year (well lifetime) and indeed one of the families resolutions was to recycle more.
I am actually aiming to do a week of zero waste and the date for this will be March 1st 2010 until March 7th 2010 and hopefully I shall be able to keep my bins at a similar size to this (although I am thinking we might go up to a size six - USA size 4, Europe size 34, Australian size 8 - after this week) as currently my bins are rather like me and embarrisingly overweight!
I have been reading the article that Karen has written about how to prepare and this week I am tackling my recycling system. We have a Green bin provided to us by the council for food waste and garden waste, we have pink sacks (which I keep in the garden in a black bin to hold the sack upright and open) which are for general recycling items such as paper and plastics and a blue bin which is for glass. We then have black bags which are for everything else (and are kept in the kitchen).
Over an average four weeks of collection we will put out 2 pink sacks, the glass bin once, the green bin once and 10 black bags. Yes 10, now you see why I feel guilty!
So this week I am going to see what I can do that will make it easier for me to recycle more as well as buying less of the pre-packaged items that find their way into my trolley each week.
Anyone any suggestions?