Friday, 5 March 2010

Guest Post: Being a gorgeous mummy (on a budget)

Today I have a guest post from the lovely Becky at Baby Budgeting, in fact Becky also has a guest post over at hers today by me! Becky has two beautiful children aged 5 and 2 and she is very happy to be a stay at home mum and writer. Becky’s blog centres on budgeting with 0-5’s and she is on Twitter too you can find her at babybudgeting.

Prior to having kids if I needed a ’perk me up’ in the looks stake I would have my hair cut and coloured, hit the high street for some new clothes, purchase a pair of shoes or two, refresh my make up bag and perhaps buy a new handbag or maybe some jewellery. It would work a treat and I would feel all glowing and good looking and my confidence would soar.

That was then.

Now when I am more tired, older, greyer and lets be honest chubbier than I ever was I have no money for glamour pick me ups. My hubby has cut my hair, my kids need shoes, I sew holes up in tops and most of my clothes bear some old food stains. Lately it has been getting me down. But what is a girl to do when she feels frumpy but needs to be frugal?

I could and would normally get creative and resourceful and go down the route of home made face packs, swishing parties, home hair dye and intensive self- affirmation. This month I have been marking essays whilst my kids sleep, trying to write a book proposal, spring clean and be a stay at home mum. I am tired and just can’t be bothered with the effort of getting gorgeous on a budget.

Yesterday however, as I was reading my lovely Annalise (aged 2 ½) her bedtime story, I stopped part way through and told her I loved her. She stroked my face and said;

"Mummy you pretty."
"Thank you," I said "You are very pretty too."
"You more pretty Mummy" she said "you got pretty hair" (it looked like a bush) "and pretty eyes" (baggy and puffy?). "I love you Mummy" she continued sleepily, "you so pretty."

Who needs make up and new clothes? I have it on good authority I am a gorgeous mummy and it didn’t cost me a penny!

This is me in my most fabulous outfit

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