Sunday, 25 April 2010

Christmas Club - April

Its almost the end of the fourth month of the year, Easter has been and gone and taken with it the first third of the year. Its time to be thinking about Spring Cleaning and working in the garden and getting ready to come round my house and decorate for my birthday and whilst you are doing that I'll get round to clearing a big space for all the gifts you are all bringing for me...

May for me is a big month as not only is it my birthday, and my Mums birthday but it is also Baby Boys birthday and my sister's third daughter is due! May has actually caught me a bit unawares this year, and just a few nights ago I told Daddy how many days were left in April and not even realising that I was giving myself a countdown until I turned Twenty-One Twenty-Two Twenty-Three Twenty-Four (I can get away with that right?).

I am looking this month at starting jobs that annoy me at Christmas and having extra daylight makes a lot easier. This weekend we have tackled the garage. When we moved in three and a half years ago there were a few things that the previous owner left in the garage that we kept thinking that maybe one day we would use them. Things like the off cut of our kitchen work surfaces (If I had said bunkers who would of known what I meant?), a couple of cracked floor tiles and some ceramic tiles that don't match anything in the house to name but three. This weekend we got down and dirty and took these items down the tip along with a lot of other things that we no longer loved or needed!

The two other main jobs for the month are to add some hooks to the front of our house above our bedroom windows and to give the loft a sort out. The hooks are being put up so that the Christmas lights will be more secure this year, doing it now means we don't have to worry about the weather or timing nearer to Christmas! Sorting out the loft is because anybody who has been in their own loft at the height of summer or winter knows how hot or cold the rooms can get!

Now whilst this might not be the most obvious Christmas preparation it is fairly straightforward. Anyone who has ever tried to hide a Christmas gift knows that a clean, decluttered area to hide a gift in means that it won't be found by the person it is meant for and will be found by the hider come the time to exchange gifts!

And a quick reminder, whilst I know that the children have only just gone back to school after the Easter break, the May Half Term is rapidly approaching so make your plans now! And as always if you do write a Christmas letter don't forget to make a short note now so you don't forget what you did this April and take a look at some photos that you might like to add in to the letter too!
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