What am I going to wear to CyberMummy? Sian over at MummyTips is hosting a blog hop on this very subject. I think that she should wear a LBD....
As much as I don't care about what I look like it is actually a big issue for me, you all know that I am overweight (I told you all and showed you pictures of me in my undies!), but I still want to look nice. There is a reason that people DO judge books by their covers you know.
I could wear my new jeans which fit lovely (and someone other than Daddy told me gave me a nice bum) with a lovely top that can then be glammed up in the evening. Yet what would you think of me if you were glammed up and I were just wearing jeans and a posh top?
I could wear a dress, but I only have one that fits and its not suitable for day wear. And I have already said I will save my Judy F impression for The MAD's.
I could wear a skirt but then I have to wear tights and what if its hot? Plus you really don't want to see me sorting myself out in the toilets all day do you!
I could wear trousers, but that is practically a uniform for me these days. At least I know that I would be comfortable, but what would happen if I got too comfortable and forgot where I was? Would you all tell me if I got a little too comfortable and started stripping off?
I could go with my suggestion of Sandy in Grease when she has stopped being prim and proper, but I don't want people to judge me on my looks rather than my brains.
So what will I wear? Well you will just have to wait until the day to find out... who knows maybe some lovely plus size clothing company will tell me that I should wear a fab outfit from them!
Now how should I do my hair?