Thursday, 9 September 2010

Aramazu: A new way to Learn to tell the time

At the start of the Summer Holidays, Top Ender and I were sent a book called "Aramazu The Learn to Tell the Time Right Now Book". Top Ender had been learning time at school, but she wasn't finding everything as easy to remember as O'Clock and Half Past which is what I felt the school were focusing on and efforts at home to teach Top Ender with more detail were just met with frustration from both sides. In stepped Aramazu with a book that has a new and easy way to learn to tell time for children that can count to sixty.

We waited until Baby Boy was asleep and then Top Ender and I stretched out on the floor side by side and started to read the very bright and colourful book. The book tells the children that they are going to learn a new way of telling the time, unlike any way that the grown ups in their life may of learned and so when they have read the book it is up to them to teach the grown ups the new method. Top Ender loved this idea, which I guess is the point of putting it on the first page. If children know they are going to be able to teach something to an adult they are all the more willing to give it a go!

We started reading the book and within a few minutes were both totally engrossed in the method that was being explained. It took us about twenty minutes to read the book, as this included a couple of toilet breaks and a lot of practice at the end and Top Ender was reading the time with a lot of confidence and testing my ability to tell the time.

The method is Mountain climbing and each hour is a mountain that time has to climb. It made total sense to Top Ender from the start and I feel a lot better about her understanding the time when she goes back to the subject at school. She even managed to work out how to read my magic clocks that Daddy made for me a few years back;

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