Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Catch up
Baby Boy is now able to sit up on his own and I think he is going to skip the crawling stage. At the moment he is busy trying to stand and he seems to prefer being in a semi standing position to anything else. Which is fine as it means my arm muscles are being built up!
Top Ender has been reading everything and anything in sight (pleased I made all those word cards now!) since she realised that recognising words is all that reading is about! I was really pleased with her as it means that she is reading at the same age as Daddy and I (we both read before we went to school, which if this was the 80's Top Ender wouldn't be in full time school for another half term or so!) and she has so much more confidence in herself now.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Top Ender Giggles - Sage advice
"You should do something that you don't do"
Thinking that she meant something like not tell her off I half heartedly said "Whats that?"
"Dye your hair... It would make it glossy and shiny!"
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Welcome Baby Boy
Already he is three weeks old, has given all of us a smile and a coo and has driven all other thoughts from our minds! Daddy is having an hour alone with Baby Boy every morning after he wakes up for his first feed of the day he likes to look around so Daddy takes him downstairs so I can have an hours uninterrupted sleep.
Top Ender keeps helping (of which I am so proud) and tells everyone that he doesn't wake her in the night (which I am even prouder of!) and keeps looking in catalogues to see what she can buy for them to share (at the moment it is swing sets) so I think I have worked out her angle!
Monday, 12 May 2008
Top Ender Giggles - Semi-naked Swinging
Top Ender was getting dry as she had just got out the bath and so I was helping put the swing together.
Top Ender suddenly appeared at the back door wearing her towel (the ones which go over your child's head) and her shoes and asked;
"Is it okay if I have just one quick swing?"
I didn't really want to say Yes but she looked so cute, and had put shoes on so I did say Yes. She ran out got on the swing and had one quick swing before coming back in.
This morning before eating breakfast she was out again, in her PJ's and shoes swinging on the swing. It appears that absence really does make the heart really does grow fonder!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Top Ender Giggles - Early Birthday Gift
Instead she gave me a hug and said;
"It is a very early gift for your Birthday Mummy"
"What makes it an early gift?!"
"Because it is only just past night time!"
Well I suppose technically she was right!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Top Ender is Growing up
It got so bad that she even took her lunch upstairs to eat instead of sitting with me! Today however she hasn't left my side. I have been sitting on the PC doing my emails, listening to my podcast and getting ready to make some chicken pies and a couple of Quiches and she keeps coming up to me and hugging me or just passing comment!
I love that Top Ender has independence, but that she still comes back to me for the love and reassurance that she needs!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Top Ender the Fashionista
After a visit from Granny and Sister and Cousin she decided that perhaps being a ballerina fairy was the look to go for. We had to go out and Daddy unusually said she could keep her outfit on... wings and all.
Top Ender went to find the appropriate footwear (pink flip flops) and off we went. Walking from where we parked the car to the shop we were delighted when nearly all of the young children we passed and those of the "older generation" (Eg what I think a Granny should look like, you know with white hair) smiled or passed comment on what a beautiful fairy she was.
Daddy and I looked on proudly realising that our baby is growing up (well she is a Top Ender now!) and we are so very lucky. I just hope that Baby Boy doesn't dress in a tutu and walk around the town... well maybe he can on his stag night!
Friday, 25 April 2008
Top Ender Giggles - Death becomes her
Last night she and her Daddy drove past a cemetery.
"What's that?" she asked
"A cemetery" replied Daddy
"Where they bury dead people?"
"Can we go there?"
"So you can read the names to me!"
"There would be a lot, it would take a long time" said Daddy trying to get out of it
"That is okay, there will be a bench half way down that you can rest on and then when you are ready you can read the rest to me."
As long as she doesn't start wearing all black and start wanting us to call her a goth type name we should be fine!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Top Enders Blog
Top Ender thinks it is great, as I have linked her flickr account to her blog, and so there is a slide show of her pictures at the bottom of her blog!
At the moment she is trying to poke me to get me of the computer so that she can go on her log on... Starting to wonder why we taught her to talk!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Fun with Top Ender
We have baked, scrubbed, sorted, mowed the lawn and done a lot of weeding, cleared out the garage and threw away a lot of rubbish, put most of our new arrivals room together, washed and ironed all the old unisex clothing, sorted the non unisex clothing in to age categories to be passed to my sister or sold on the Internet, gone through Top Enders clothes and underware, gone through Top Enders toys and books and done an awful lot of art and craft projects that have previously sat in the games box waiting for someone to create them!
I am so amazed at her skills, her conversation starters and her stamina! She has told me that she is learning good life skills (who taught her that!) and that together we can make out house beautiful!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Top Ender - No longer the Baby
She very kindly suggested we use her old baby things for her baby brother (amazing when subtle comments work!) and has even helped sort through all the old clothes that I kept to pull out all the gender neutral things!
I was amazed to see how much she has grown, obviously I remember that she was once a baby but I forgot how small she was! She was more obsessed with the fact that she had more clothes as a baby than she does now until I explained that babies sometimes need changing several times a day!
Monday, 10 March 2008
Top Ender is going to go to School!
I have suddenly realised that my little baby is growing up and is no longer the little baby that I think of her as!
Feeling Baby kicking inside of me makes me realise how fleeting time is and how I will miss my babies when they are no longer babies!
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Top Ender Giggles - Revenge will be Mine!
Being the good little girl that she is she told me later that night that My Sister had told her a rhyme, but that she couldn't quite remember it... I knew that wasn't strictly true as you can tell Top Ender anything once and it will be stored for use at a later date.
Last night we were all having dinner together and the meal had Beans. With an evil glint in her eye My sister asked;
"Top Ender, do you remember that rhyme I told you about beans?"
"No" said Top Ender
"Yes, Top Ender does" I sighed
"Which one was it again?" Top Ender pondered "Oh yes that's it - Beans, Beans Good for the Heart, The more you eat the more you...Fart. Was that the one you meant?"
"Yes it was the one she meant" I replied
"I had no idea she would remember it" my sister lied
"Tell her anything once and she will memorise it, you should know that by now" Daddy offered.
I am already thinking what I can teach Cousin (My Sisters daughter) in a few months time...
The was a young lady from...
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Routines are good
She has been helping me each week do my chores; On a Saturday whilst she watches the TV for an hour I am found hovering the house, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and Kitchen you know what it involves I am sure! Then together we follow the Flylady Missions for a room and spend some time cuddling and reading on the sofa. She understands that in the afternoons at the weekends and the evenings during the week I need to have a rest as Baby Boy is making me tired and she will often sit with me and listen to some music or tell me a story or read to herself if I nap or have a quick read.
And I think that is because of our written down routines! Both Top Ender and I have a folder, and in our folders are our daily routines. Her folder is a High School Musical folder and has lots of stickers inside; mine is just red but has some art inside that inspires me.
Knowing exactly what is expected of us, and the things that we need to do has meant a change in our home. Out house look clean and clear (well most of it!) we can find socks and clothes and shoes and we are not over run with toys, clutter and mess!
We love routines!