Friday, 31 July 2009

Top Ender Giggles - My biggest asset

A short announcement before todays rambling;

For several years I have had a blog that I rambled on about other things not just the funny things said and for one reason or another I had to close it. After talking with Top Ender and Baby Boy they have agreed only to do funny things every other day or shorter than they currently do so that on the non long or non funny days I can write some Mummy Ramblings. And this will start soon!

Back to normal for now though!

"I drew a card for you Mummy" said Top Ender
"Oh that is lovely!" I said admiring the portrait "Tell me about it"
"You are feeding Baby Boy, and these are your boobs." she said pointing at two large ovals
"Thanks Top Ender, Thanks" I said
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