Thats right, I'm starting a challenge for all us who want to look and be our best and I really want you to join in with me!
In order to join in you need to leave a comment after this post and write a post over at yours about why you are going to join in with this.
You might want to add the following to your post;
*What your motivation is
*The day of the week you will weigh yourself and if you can, the time too!
*Your Weight and Measurements, but don't feel that you have to!
*Your Long term weight goal
Each week on Monday, if you can post your weight loss figure into my comments and a link to your post and then I will update the rest!
I am going to be looking for a Guest Poster or two as I am sure that my ramblings each week on why I only lost 1/2lb will get pretty boring and I think it will do good for all of our motivations too if we can see what others are up to!
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