Last week Daddy went on a Business trip to Chile for a week. He has been on Business trips before, but never away overnight (since Top Ender has been born anyway) and never so far away. As is normal for Daddy he started to worry about all the things that could go wrong and that led him to want to leave something of himself behind for Baby Boy and Top Ender to have.
Eventually he found a website where using your web cam you could record a story that you can then email to your loved one to watch whilst you are away. The website that he used is called "A Story Before Bed" and Top Ender and Baby Boy loved the story that he recorded for them so much I wanted to share this website with you!
I thought the best thing I could do was record one myself so I could tell you all about it firsthand. It was so easy to do as the website walks you through what you need to do. The first screen you see is this one below, and if you want to you can watch a demo before trying the service for free.
They have a great selection of books to choose from and if you are like me you will spend ages reading through the previews and wondering which one would suit your family best. They can sort the books by length or by age suitability and there a a lot of titles of familiar stories available to record.
Then you get to dedicate who the book is to and who it is read by. As you can see I chose The 3 Little Pigs as I wanted something that Baby Boy would be familiar with and Daddy had recorded The Princess Frog which was more for Top Ender than him.
The website will then access your web cam and get you to adjust the sound levels so that all you have to do is simply read the book, clicking on the pages as you need them to turn over. When you have finished recording the book you get a chance to preview what you have recorded and a chance to re-record it if needed!
I spent the entire preview muttering to myself about how my voice sounds different when it is recorded opposed to what it sounds like when I hear it in my head. Then you can pay for your book at a cost of $4.99 which is around £3 or you have 24hours to decide if you want to keep it.
I had been so impressed with this service that I emailed the company to let them know how great they were and that I was planning to tell everyone about them that they gave me a code to give to you all so that you can record and save a book for free!
The code is valid from today until the 15th December 2009 and you just need to enter it at the checkout once you are happy with your recording!
Happy recording!