Following on from yesterdays Wordless Wednesday Post of 2009 in Photos, I thought that today I would do it in words.
I have gone back through the posts from the start of the year and here are the posts that I think best sum up each month for me!
January: Baby Boy Giggles - Insult or compliment? I choose this because it was showing how much Baby Boy was developing and understanding everything around him.
February: Top Ender Giggles - They make it difficult I choose this because it is just so much like Top Ender that she wants everything to be straight forward.
March: Top Ender Giggles - Buts its free! I choose this because Top Ender may be the most frugal of us all!
April: Baby Boy Walking I choose this because Baby Boy walked!!!
May: Top Ender Giggles - At least she didn't get out any vinegar and brown paper! I choose this because this shows that Top Ender really does have my sense of humour even when not trying!
June: Daddy Giggles - Why wasn't he using the Zebra crossing though? I choose this because Daddy actually wrote this one!
July: Top Ender Giggles - Well how do I know? I choose this because I remember how sore poor Baby Boy was.
August: I have a TV Stalker I choose this because I still can't walk past the Blue House and I am sure that one day you are going to see me on the news because Bear has kidnapped me.
September: Sleeping like a Baby I choose this because I did once have a night time routine that kind of worked!
October: The Tale of Princess Top Ender and Baron Teenager Boy (and friends) I choose this because I like that a five year old can beat a Teenager at an arcade game and that somewhere in Brighton that Teenager Boy is still hanging his head in shame.
November: A Wiggly Tooth I choose this because Top Ender is growing up...
December: Santa caught on webcam! I choose this because I just love watching Santa in my living room!