I cut Daddy's hair every four to six weeks. He has a number two all over, so its fairly easy to do.
When I cut his hair the other night I did something that he doesn't know about. Well he won't until he reads this post at least!
If you haven't voted in The MAD's yet then this has got to be worth something right?
I mean Butlins are sponsoring the awards and Woolworths are sponsoring the category that I have been shortlisted in so I know that the Awards themselves are in safe hands but I just want to check that I have your vote.
Did you know that there are prizes for voters being given away each week if you vote in each category? So of course you know to vote for me in the Family Fun category, but you are going to need to go and read the other blogs in the other categories to decide who to vote for so that you could have a chance of winning a prize!
Oh and did you think that photo of the shaved "Vote for A Mothers Ramblings" in to the mans head was what I did to Daddy? No don't be silly I would never do that to my lovely husband! I actually accidentally shaved his sideburns a little higher than normal.
Sorry Daddy!