Thursday, 6 May 2010

I'm a MADS Finalist!

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, (or have my blog posts emailed to you or are one of those people who have bookmarked my blog or added me to your reader) then you will have seen that I was campaigning for votes for The MAD Awards and thanks to you lovely people I did get a few votes.

I got enough votes to be named as a Finalist in the Best MAD Family Fun Blog.


I am up against some brilliant blogs (which I actually read so I can say they are!) and would really love if you could take a few minutes out of your day to go and vote for Me and Daddy and Top Ender and Baby Boy!

You can only vote once (so if you want to vote for any of the other categories you need to do it at the same time) but anyone can vote from anywhere in the world (not that I am hinting dear cousins of mine!) and I promise that I wouldn't do a Halle Berry acceptance speech (unless that's what you want me to do) or a Mariah Carey one (again unless that's what you want me to do) but if I wear my blue dress I might end up doing a Judy Finnigan...

I am going to be honest here, this IS a big deal to us here at A Mothers Ramblings. Yes I know it doesn't matter what anyone other than me (And Daddy and Top Ender and Baby Boy) thinks about this blog but if we won, well lets just say we would be really happy.

In fact we would be so happy that we would do a vlog for you of me doing a Halle Berry and a Mariah Carey and a Judy Finnigan impression!

So head along to and vote for me.... please!
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