Monday, 12 July 2010

Chocolate Weetabix and I am not proving a point!

This is a sponsored post, but it is funny and true so don't wander away!

As of today you can go to Sainsburys and buy Chocolate Weetabix, (£2.59 for a pack of 24) but because Weetabix know that I love Chocolate and Weetabix they sent me a box last week (along with some toys for Top Ender and Baby Boy and some vouchers and a really cool canvas bag that I can add to the ones I take shopping) to try. They did also send me a chocolate spoon and a Chocolate Weetabix bowl, but if Top Ender or Baby Boy asks, the chocolate spoon was quite poisonous and not safe for children okay?!

Weetabix are one of my most favourite cereals and now that Daddy can't eat them (with being Coeliac and all) it means all the more for me. I have in the past eaten the normal ones with chocolate milk instead of normal milk (we ran out of the normal stuff!) and even hot water (you should try that one) but these were something different.

So what did we think of them? Top Ender won't touch the normal ones (despite as a smaller child eating them everyday for breakfast and refusing all else) yet she ate most of my bowl the first morning that I had them. Baby Boy took one look at my bowl, sniffed it a bit and refused to eat even one spoonful. It was only after I had taken a few moments to pay attention to what I had been eating that I realised its plain chocolate in the Weetabix.

I don't do plain chocolate. I actually hate plain chocolate. Plain chocolate is evil.

So Top Ender has been happily munching on the Chocolate Weetabix in the Chocolate Weetabix bowl and she thinks they taste delicious, but she is on her own with that one.

And with regards to proving a point.

Daddy said that I never write any negative reviews. I pointed out that I had said something negative in the review of the Brio Wooden Pull Along Helicopter, but that in general all the things that I have reviewed had been great and if something came to me to be reviewed and I didn't like it I would say so.

So just before Daddy starts saying I did not like these Chocolate Weetabix just to prove a point, I really, really, really don't like plain chocolate; but I will continue to eat normal Weetabix with chocolate milk on.
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