We decided that today after lunch would be a good time to play it and as I was taking my time to get back into the living room Daddy and Top Ender started without me. They were going through the songs deciding which ones would be best for them to dance to and decided upon "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins.
I arrived in the living room just in time to see them exhausting themselves dancing along with the Wii, by dancing badly. Top Ender got the highest score and declared herself to have won and that it was now my turn to join in. As all you need to dance is a Wii remote for each player, I was soon clicking on the character I wanted to dance as, and before I knew it we were dancing to "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Show.
Top Ender won again and I came a close second but it was at a price as both Daddy and I were exhausted!
We went through a few more songs and each time Top Ender won. Although I did redeem myself on "Bend & Snap" from Legally Blonde with a very high score and the sweat dripping off me as a prize.*
Daddy however wasn't going to give up without a fight and kept repeating;
"Just once more!"
Eventually he got his victory with a score higher than both Top Ender and I had reached, immediately declared himself the family champion and retired from competitive dancing. Yes, he's a cheat.
There are a lot of songs on the game (all of which I recognised and was able to sing along with) and they range in effort needed and difficulty. I did work up a good sweat and my first thoughts that this game wasn't any good because both Top Ender and Daddy didn't seem to be doing well, were wrong and I love this game. I am going to add this to my exercise routine and hopefully dance my way to skinny!
*If anyone wants to see my rendition of "Bend & Snap" let me know and if enough of you speak up it shall be a vlog!