Tuesday, 3 August 2010

The Bic Picture! (See what they did there!)

We draw a lot in our house, I once drew JoJo from JoJo's Circus and it was so great that everyone knew who it was, without me having to tell them. I tried to repeat it and sadly it looked more like the scary clown from Stephen King's IT. I drew this picture of Top Ender which isn't that bad, but I am not going to try again. I don't want to mentally scar my children anymore than I already have!

Luckily my complete lack of artistic talent hasn't stopped Top Ender and Baby Boy from expressing themselves and both of them are often found creating masterpieces. Baby Boy at the moment has gone for my abstract approach, and no matter what he draws it is always a Car and a Rocket taking me and him on an adventure. Mind you seeing as how he is always pointing at various objects and saying "That's you Mummy" I don't know if I should believe him... especially as I was a lampost yesterday.

So when Bic suggested that I might like to let you all know about a competition they are running for Primary School aged children (between 5 and 11) I knew that Top Ender would want to enter and it would give me a perfect chance to tell everyone about it too.

This is where Top Enders picture should be, but she asked me not to show it to you all. I can tell you about the floating houses, with ladders up to them because of the overcrowding on the ground, but I can't show you it as she has gone a little shy (yeah I know) and as I have always maintained if Top Ender asks me not to tell you all something then I won't tell you.
So this is perfect for a rainy day (which there seem to be a lot of this Summer Holiday so far), just get your little ones drawing a picture with the theme "Life in the Future" and post it along with a signed consent form (from http://www.bickids.com/) to the below address by the 20th August 2010.

c/o 3 Monkey Communications
Medius House
2 Sheraton Street

And if you do enter Good Luck!
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