Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Prize Winning Wheat Free Cupcake Recipe

During July, Top Ender and Baby Boy entered English Mums Bake Off in the Children's section with their Wheat Free Fairy Cakes. A few days back Heather from Eggs Cream and Honey (don't you just love that as a name?) who was judging the competition announced the winners and to our surprise Top Ender and Baby Boy won!

We thought that it would only be fair that we share the recipe with you, so that you could recreate the winning Children's entry if you wanted!

6oz Butter
6oz Caster Sugar
3 Eggs
1/2tsp Vanilla Extract
6oz Self Raising Flour (we use Doves Farm)
5 tbsp Milk


Preheat the over to Gas Mark 6. Mix the Butter and Sugar until Fluffy, then beat in the eggs and Vanilla, followed by gradually by the milk and flour.

Put the cake mix into paper cases, roughly half fill the cases and then bake for ten to fifteen minutes. Allow to cool and then decorate or eat straight away as they taste scrummy!

This was originally a recipe that we took from a Doves Farm Flour Packet, but I am sure they won't mind me sharing it with you.
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