Tuesday, 31 August 2010

September the time for New School Year Resolutions

After sixteen years in the British Education system it has been imprinted in my brain that September is when the New Year starts. You get a new start and you can be a different person to who you were before the summer. Every September you can reinvent yourself as someone who is studious, on time, interesting and in my case on top of things.

Of course its dead lucky that just four months later you get to re-make all these promises to yourself with your New Years Resolutions as that is how long it normally took for me to forget what I was aiming for and fall back to my normal forgetting to study, do my homework, be late, only talk about things I find interesting and nobody else does and of course let everything pile on top of me in some crazy hotch potch way.

This is not a photo of Top Ender on her first day of School doing homework that had to be handed in that day.
This year of course will be no different, I am going to make changes and stick to them, not just for me but as a parent and of course if Top Ender wants to make some then I will support her. And if it turns out that at the end of December we have to make the same personal resolutions again? Well then I will just know that I am consistent in my ways!

As a Mummy however I promise the following resolutions will not be forgotten until at least Easter...
  1. We will get to school on time everyday. Yes I know I only live five minutes from school.
  2. Top Ender will have clean uniform everyday and her shoes will be polished.
  3. I will remind Top Ender to take her PE kit at the start of the week.
  4. I will check Top Enders bag for permission slips and return them promptly.
  5. Top Ender will have a nutritious lunch everyday.
  6. Top Ender will take her bottle of water to school everyday.
  7. I won't be late picking Top Ender up. Again, yes I know I practically live next door to the school.
  8. I will write all appointments on the calender.
  9. I will get Top Ender to do her homework.
  10. I will remember to give Top Ender and Baby Boy a healthy after school snack
Yeah who am I kidding? I won't last two weeks.
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